Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well. Today I want to talk to you about days, months, and years and a few of the rules you’ll need to utilize as you use them when you talk or as you write.
In English, in particular if you are learning from an American, you may be surprised to see that dates are typically given by month, day (numerical form), then year. As usual, however, there are exceptions and we’ll look over some of these below. Alright, let’s get to the point.
Let’s look at an example:
The USA declared its independence on July 4th, 1776.
Here we see that it's written with the month first, then the day, followed by the year. Simple right? Well, this brings up another thing that should be mentioned. When writing a date there are three typical ways to do so.
Let’s take a look at today’s date as an example conversation you might have.
What’s the date today? 今日は何日ですか?
It’s 11/22/2019
It’s November 22nd, 2019
It’s Wednesday, November 22nd, 2019.
The first method is one that actually can be both said orally or written out. You would say, eleven, twenty, two thousand nineteen. Though it is not all that common to hear from someone, it's common for someone to write the day’s date using this form.
Something to note is the use of the commas in examples two and three. For these examples they both share a rule in regards to how they use commas. In example two, you need to add a comma between the day and the year if they are written out using digits. In example three both the day and the month are also needing a comma between them as they both are being written out using words.
Here are another two other methods that are used from time to time.
It’s the 22nd of November 2019.
It’s Wednesday the 22nd of November 2019.
These last two examples are similar the the ones listed above but with a few extra words added and the commas are left out. They are perhaps more often seen or heard at special events.
Something you may have noticed is the addition of a some letters at the end of the numbers. What do they mean? How are they used? Let's talk about this next time.